Learning by doing
We make bespoke decision-making simulations on various topics.
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Why use simulations?
Simulations enable participants to identify, refine and use best practices and potential solutions in a secure, fully comprehensive and realistic training environment. In doing so, participants will be equipped to improve their skills and knowledge concerning a particular topic, working practice or threat.
Simulations enable participants and observers to experience existing or desired situations. In doing so they gain insight into the decision-making and the various factors that created the situation. All simulations always has a start point, also known as a scenario. This scenario can be designed to tailor your needs and will evolve during the game. ​
What is a simulation?
A simulation is a game with purpose, not created for entertainment. They are often also referred to as serious games. A simulation always has three critical characteristics; Game Thinking, Game Elements and Game Play. A simulation - or serious game - is designed for a purpose, such as research, policy and decision making, training and learning.
Simulation in the serious gaming environment is the imitation of a real world process system over time. The act of simulating an environment first requires that a model be developed. The model represents the key characteristics, behaviours and functions of the selected physical or abstract system or process. Serious gaming allows the combing out of other factors and stressors, including impact of other - perhaps yet unknown- effects and general conditions of threat, technical and economic changes that current systems are not designed too or simply do not register.
Our approach to simulations
Goldsworthy, Stolk & Associates uses serious gaming and simulations with a wide range of international partners, government ministries, military organisations and commercial entities as a means to experiment, identify new solutions and validate best practices. For our clients we develop bespoke simulations to simulate the key processes and stakeholders concerning various subject matter. In these simulated learning environments we will bring together all necessary actors to represent the real-world complexity that decision-makers face.
Through our simulations (a) solutions to enhance existing systems and best practices can be validated; (b) existing technology can be reverse engineered and improved; and (c) inter-agency decision-making at all levels of government can be optimised. Lastly, effects related to these solutions and trade-offs are exposed and future challenges are always identified.

Use cases
Parliamentary decision-making defence
For the Netherlands Ministry of Defence, GS&A has developed a half-day simulation about defence capabilities in light of current and probable missions. In the simulation, designed to train senior civil servants and members of parliament, participants experience current and future threats that affect the nation and the armed forces. Media, intelligence and various world players are represented in this simulation.
Political negotiations simulations, including the Greater Middle East sim
For various universities and the Netherlands Defence Academy, both mr. Goldsworthy and mr. Stolk have developed and ran political decision-making simulations. In these simulations, participants take on the role of statesmen and are tasked to negotiate in order to advance their nation's agenda. These simulations are used to prepare students, officers and policy makers to take on positions in which they will have to negotiate to advance national interests.
Out-of-the-box simulations for various organisations
We have various simulations to train participants in a variety of skills, such as negotiations, strategic thinking, foresight, communication and leadership. These out of the box sims are designed by us to be used on location by the client without any - or minimal - support.