Manual vs digital wargames
Some considerations to support your decision-making with regards to manual vs digital wargaming for exercise purposes.
A few reasons why you are not wargaming and probably should.
Often we are asked why an organisation should wargame. After all, isn’t it time consuming, requires manpower and possibly hampers ongoing...
The almighty adjudication team
Many types of professional Wargame require an adjunction team. They function as the arbiters of the wargame.
Facilitators: who needs them? Your guide to picking the right facilitator for your wargame.
This blog will give you some pointers on how to pick the right facilitator for your wargame.
Everything you wanted to know about wargaming but were to afraid to ask
A FAQ about wargaming for novices
Common mistakes in wargaming
Wargaming in the military was originally conceived to be an objective arbiter of ideas and plans. The Imperial German Staff, the...
Sharing insights into (Rapid) Wargame Prototyping
On Monday the 13th of November, Diederik gave a 30 minute presentation about (Rapid) Wargame Development at Connections Netherlands....
UK MoD Wargaming Handbook
Last week the British Ministry of Defence published its official wargaming handbook. Ghost written by expert gamer and Connections UK...
New website
Out with the old, in with the new. It was time to redesign our website with the aim of utilising it more. We intend to share more blogs...
Poor planning produces poor performance
Whether it is within the armed forces, in business or within civil service this dictum is still valid. Ask any logistician, fireman or...