Use e-learning for knowledge development and retention
E-learning module offer you the means to provide qualitative, scalable and cost-effective learning opportunities to your staff or target audiences.
GS&A develops bespoke e-learning modules about topics related to (inter)national security.
Modules are co-developed with clients ensuring their knowledge and expertise is reflected in the content.
Modules can be fully automated, including questions and reports, and exist of video, audio and text.
Two examples can be found on the right.
If you would like to see an e-learning module in action, please contact us.

& flooding
Together with various Dutch civil entities (defence, water management agencies, veiligheidsregio's), we've developed an
e-module about multidisciplinary
crisismanagement and floodings.

Processes & taskorganisations
We developed an e-module about process and task ownership within the Veiligheidsregio Zaanstreek-Waterland (Dutch regional entity comprising most firstline response agencies). The module provides practitioners organisational awareness of the various agencies and their practices (incl. police, fire and ambulance services) within the region of Zaanstreek-Waterland.